Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Wine Tasting Birthday Bash!

Wine Tasting Party.
Unfortunately I didn't take nearly enough photos of this event -- but this was a super fun night -- one I would highly recommend you try yourself. My sister threw the wine tasting party as a birthday celebration for me. The event was done with an Italian theme -- so only Italian wine and food were served, and she decorated the entire house with decorations and played music with an Italian flare. She filled a bowl with wine corks and red grapes, purchased white table cloths and chardonnay and red wine colored candles. She purchased mini Italian looking statues and artwork. We filled a pitcher with water and lemon -- a great touch to cleanse the palette throughout the tasting. We served crackers and fruit to cleanse the palette as well and paired it with cheeses, meatballs, bruschetta and a bean patte.

The actual wine tasting was done first by dividing the group into two teams. Then each person would take a turn displaying the wine (the label was covered) -- and pouring for the group. Each person had a numbered sheet where they would list the flavors and notes they tasted, a food pairing and price range. The label was then uncovered and underneath were the wine tasters' notes for that particular wine (which my sister had downloaded online and attached to each wine bottle). The members whose description, price range, etc. closely matched the wine tasters' notes won that round.


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