Saturday, April 23, 2011

Healthy Eating and Entertaining

Healthy Eating and Entertaining

I love to entertain and host parties -- my sister and I both do. I am pretty sure we got this desire and love of party planning from our mother. My mother is the ultimate Martha Stewart and filled my childhood with gorgeous birthday cakes, each took hours to make and would match the party theme of our choice, fun nights of staying in and enjoying all our favorite comfort foods or our family hosting an amazing holiday party where there was so much love and thought behind each place setting, wreath she handmade or dessert that came out of the oven at just the perfect time. For me, the love of party planning came from these special memories. Seeing how wonderful it is to bring all your closest friends and loved ones together and create an ambiance that brings everyone together in such a unique, loving and special way -- an experience that I was so fortunate to experience throughout my life.

My sister and I have also begun to try and tailor those wonderful comfort foods to fit a healthier lifestyle. In this post, I included my sister and my first attempt at a "skinny" pina colada made with coconut milk, fresh pineapple, coconut, bananas and a splash of fat free half and half. A fresh ceviche (my favorite after time spent in Mexico) and a coconut shrimp and spicy apricot and jalapeno dipping sauce. Healthy entertaining -- loving from the inside and out!


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